Grammar and Ice Cream: Apologising

Summary: This post is about how to apologize using long sentences.  As it is not easy for you to grasp the structure of English sentences, I attempt to link it with eating ice-cream.  You will learn how to write long sentences in an easy and funny way, if you remember the idea of two scoops (of ice-cream).  Enjoy your reading!

What will you do when you have done something wrong?  Well, there are lots of ways. One of which is crying? But does it help? Sometimes, but sometimes not. Well, another way of doing it is to apologize using long sentences.   


Before you learn grammar for office English (long sentences for making apologies), you have to answer the following questions. But when you answer them, be honest.

Do you like ice-cream?

Do you eat it at your office or school?

Do you know you can learn grammar with ice-cream?

In other words, ice-cream can help you learn English, not just any kind of English, but sentence structure, to be used at office, to be used for apologizing.

How? Read the following sentences about a woman apologizing:

I have made a big mistake.
I am responsible for it.

Though the two sentences may be words from her heart, there is something wrong.  What is it?  The sentences are simple.  So simple that they make the message not so powerful. So how to make it more powerful?  There is a tip that is funny and easy.

Just look at the picture below:

Do you want to eat them?  Well, wait a minute. Can you do some counting?  How many scoops are there?


Well, don’t think the two scoops are just for eating.  Why?  They are also for learning something complicated.  By complicated, I mean long sentences.

How?  Just go back to the two sentences of apology.  I have made a big mistake.  I am responsible for it.  Can you see there are two scoops?  Am I kidding?   Of course not. 

Now read them again:

I have made a big mistake.  I am responsible for it.

So you can make your apology more powerful by sticking the two sentences together. But there is one more thing you need.  What is it?  You need a spoon, and the spoon is the word:


So putting all two scoops (mistake and it) and the spoon (that) together, the whole picture becomes:

I have made a big mistake, a mistake that I am responsible for.  


So now you can enjoy your ice-cream, but at the same time write long sentences.

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